PHP 8.1 introduced Enumerations (Enums). Learn all about enums and discover how to use both basic and backed enums and the various features that come with using Enums.
Using eager loading in Laravel can improve application performance significantly. Learn how to use eager loading and what eager loading is. We start with over 4000 queries to load 1000 tickets and take the query count to 6. Not only ...
There are at the minimum 4 questions you should be asking yourself any time you’re considering pulling a 3rd party PHP package into your codebase.
Scenario Our form is expecting user input from a specific field is typed in all capital letters so we have a custom validation rule to check if the input is uppercase. Writing tests for a custom Laravel validation rule is ...
While building most apps we need to have different layouts depending on the route. For example we might have a different base layout for someone logging in (/login) and for someone visiting a dashboard (/dashboard). Let’s go over one of ...
First Impressions Having been familiar with HTML and XML layouts building layouts was easy. Styling the layouts feels similar to designing a web app, but not completely the same. Some CSS selectors and HTML attributes aren’t allowed or don’t work ...
It’s possible to type hint an array (sort of) in PHP without using a Doc block. Version 5.6 added a splat operator or sometimes called argument unpacking. A splat operator is 3 dots before a parameter. The splat operator allows ...
Laravel claims estimated upgrade times upgrading version to version, but this estimation may not be true for you. Upgrades take time and vary depending on application size, architecture, and knowledge. If you’re asked for an estimate use these tips and ...
First, why we might transform data? If we have raw data from a database and need to send data to an external system or maybe export data. In either case we most likely don’t want to expose database column names ...
We often turn to open source or proprietary packages for adding functionality to our apps. Here are some key points and questions to ask when selecting your next dependency.