Ubuntu apt-get Hangs At 0%


I had an issue where I installed Ubuntu 14.04 in VirtualBox and apt-get kept hanging at 0%.

I noticed it was automatically attempting to use IPv6 because normally apt-get says connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com the IPv4 address (eg 0% connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com This time the address looked like version 6.

To force apt-get to use IPv4 exclusively

  1. Create a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4
  2. Add this line to newly created file Acquire::ForceIPv4 true;
  3. Apt-get will now use IPv4 exclusively


This article on StackExchange helped me find the right answer!
Convince apt-get *not* to use IPv6

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    Ubuntu apt-get Hangs At 0%

    I had an issue where I installed Ubuntu 14.04 in VirtualBox and apt-get kept hanging at 0%. I noticed it was ...
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  • Linux Tech Tips Ubuntu

    Ubuntu apt-get Hangs At 0%

    I had an issue where I installed Ubuntu 14.04 in VirtualBox and apt-get kept hanging at 0%. I noticed it was ...
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