Life Pro Tip, Tips

Mental Snapshots

Think back to a time where you accomplished something you had no idea how to do or when you accomplished something and surprised yourself. If this hasn’t happened yet be on the lookout when it does happen and you successfully solve the problem create a deep mental snapshot of the wonderful feeling. Keep this in your head and refer to this when things are tough. It will help remind you that you are capable and to give yourself time.

I use this technique often. My mental snapshot I often dig up is during one of my internships, I was tasked to update a Java app. My Java experience at that time was limited to only the exercises the professors had us write. The Java app was bigger than any other app I had ever worked with. At the start of the summer my reaction was “How will I be able to do all of this?”. As the summer came to a close I ended up completing my work plus some additional items. I now use this experience as one of my mental snapshots. I refer to this when asked to things I have no immediate path or answer to.

This can be a frightening, but it’s important to take a step back and think back to your mental snapshot. This will give you the confidence to keep going and to believe in yourself. If possible break the ask down into smaller more manageable pieces. These smaller pieces will help keep your sanity as you attempt to figure out an approach.

Embrace what you don’t know and view it as an opportunity to learn, not something to be afraid of.

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