Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) an inevitable part of using a windows machine.

Today I received a BSOD with an error CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION while working on my Android homework. The error wasn’t very descriptive and I wasn’t hopeful to find a resolution. I thought maybe this was random, but searched and fortunately Google lead me to  StackOverflow.

In the post it outlines the cause is possibly due to Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager  (HAXM) software which is used to speed up Android emulators. The post also mentions to download the new updated Intel HAXM software through Intel and not necessarily Android SDK Manager. I had just updated through the Android SDK Manager prior to the blue screen with version 1.0.6. I thought the most recent version was just installed, but I was wrong. Intel’s site has 1.0.8 which apparently fixes the BSOD issue.

Here’s the link to Intel’s site for the most up to date version.

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