Before graduating if your school allows Alum to signup for an email address they can keep do it! There are many valuable reasons to keep a .edu address, discounts and freebies. Most perks are only temporary. Everything from Apple discounts to free web hosting. The idea behind providing perks to students are getting the students acclimated with products. Assuming the products are good this will entice the student to continue using and maybe pay for the product. Generally if discounts are offered online the single requirement is a .edu address.
If discounts and freebies sound good here are a few:
- Save up to $200 with Apple According to this Lifehacker post when buying online proof isn’t required. More thoughts on this later.
- Bestbuy Various deals, but must sign up to receive emails via .edu address.
- Spotify premium for $4.99 (50% off)
- Jetbrains Developer products (Free for 1 year)
- Github Student Developer Pack
- Free Github Micro account (worth $7/mo)
- Digital $100 in account credit
- SendGrid 15k emails per month (normally only 200 free email/day)
- TravisCI private builds (worth $69/mo)
- And more!
- Microsoft DreamSpark
This is a fraction of what exists for students. If you have your .edu address handy search online for student discounts before buying something. Even if the discount or freebie is small in most cases it is worth it. As mentioned above sometimes simply finding the student site will yield discounts as some places don’t require proof at all.
Note: It may be against the company’s policy if not currently enrolled in school.